+7 (499) 709-80-20

Russian Federation, 115191, Moscow, Roschinskiy st., 20
E-mail: info@soundfon.ru
Skype: soundfon


Manufacturing terms?

Record of a voice from 1 o'clock
Information roller 1 - 2 hours
Production roller 1 - 3 working days
Vocal roller 2 - 7 working days

Advance payment, or upon?
With constant customers it is worked without an advance payment under the scheme: we send ready work — you sell (confirm) work and transfer money
With new customers — 100 % an advance payment
Usually the customer becomes to "constants" in 6 months of teamwork.

How to start to work with us? Sequence of actions:

Choose a voice of the actor
Generate and send the task
Pay work

How to pay?

We accept cash, non-cash and electronic payments. According to your choice, in reply to the arrived order, we send the account for payment on the electronic address.

How to confirm payment?

 The documents confirming payment under the clearing settlement, payment systems Western Union and Contact or to scan and send by e-mail. Payment through Pay Pal acknowledgement don't demand, it is visible at once. 

To record an actor's voice in day of receipt of the order?

Probably for constant customers and new customers, in a current of day confirmed payment. In day of the order we can write down those announcers who are invited in studio in advance.

How to avoid errors at order registration?
1 capital letter specify accents in proper names.
(Names and surnames, place names, the firm or service name)
In all words to specify an accent it is not necessary, only in именях own.
Correctly: ШиманОвск, street Bohr it is wrong: Шимановск, street Bohr

2 Decipher abbreviations and reductions.
Correctly: Р To Alexandria or the Entertainment complex Alexandria - Alexandria Incorrectly: ТК the World
Correctly: the prospectus кИрова or journey of KirOva it is wrong: avenue of Kirov

3 Write a transcription of foreign words Cyrillics.
Correctly: хёндАй, хЁндай, хёндЭ or хюндАй it is wrong: Hyundai
Correctly: three даблъю a point geometry a point ру it is wrong: www.geometria.ru

Than Author's music differs from License?
What does Acknowledgement of copyrights to music mean «it is not required»?
At audioroller placing on radio or television the company-speaker (according to the world norms accepted by Russia in the field of copyright and related rights) can ask to give the advertiser the roller passport — documentary acknowledgement of the right of use in an audioroller of this or that piece of music.

Author's music — over a unique melody to an audioroller works the composer.
To the customer the mp3-file + the roller passport goes

License music — the sound producer selects music from the Russian and foreign prodakshn-libraries.
To the customer the mp3-file + the roller passport goes